Now offering The Emmett Technique!

The EMMETT Technique is an understanding of the body’s response to light touch. It has been suggested that the body reacts in a similar way to the workings of a touch-screen. Small sensors allow access to the brain via the therapists’ touch. As well as the ability to directly influence muscle action, these points may have a memory and emotional attachment.

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I was introduced to the founder of this technique, Ross Emmett, and began training in this method in September of 2016. Since then I’ve continued with the practitioner classes, became a Full Practitioner in June of 2018 and plan Emmett Techniqueto complete the practitioner classes by the end of 2019.

I am also excited to be teaching the EMM-Tech Intro Class and training to become an instructor for the practitioner classes along with other amazing therapists!Emmett Technique

The results I am seeing with clients have been amazing and have provided pain relief for a large number of clients in a short amount of time!