Assess – Locate – Correct

Treating Root Cause – NOT Symptoms!

joint pain, knee replacement
The Pain Is NOT Always Where The Problem Is!

As I continue to learn great new body work modalities, I have combined my training into one treatment method. This method has been providing amazing results above and beyond what the stand-alone methods provided.

This technique has changed the way I run my practice!

My most recent treatment may be a combination of Emmett, Bowen, NST, Neuromuscular, and Applied Myoskeletal Therapy (AMT). All of these methods are based on years of experience and training stemming from the original Bowen treatment approach (see below). They mesh together in a way that offers optimal results for a variety of conditions and each client as an individual.

This treatment includes a full body structural assessment, soft tissue treatment and passive stretches (as needed) to quickly correct pain and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.

The basic concept is that a balanced body functions correctly and effectively. Any imbalance in the structure or muscular system will compromise the body in some way.

Release from restrictions can happen within MINUTES using the Emmett Technique!

Emmett Technique (Full Certified Practitioner in June 2018) is a unique body therapy created by Ross Emmett. It is an understanding of the body’s response to light touch and the ability to directly influence muscle action.

I had the unique privilege to attend most of my training classes with Ross Emmett himself. He has also provided us with a wonderfully talented senior instructor when he is not able to make the journey from Australia.

The Emmett Technique has allowed me to offer very quick and effective treatments for a wide variety of issues with very little discomfort to the client. Many treatment options can be done sitting or standing, and are often more effective this way. This is a great option for those who struggle to use the treatment table.

For more information on this technique and Ross Emmett see

Bowen Technique (Certified in October 2015) is a form of therapeutic body work that began with a self-trained therapist from Austrailia named Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916-1982). My training was with a well respected therapist and author named Graham Pennington. Graham has been a practitioner of naturopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine and Bowen therapy for over twenty years. He teaches a unique method of Bowen Therapy that follows the principle that good health care starts with finding the underlying issue for a specific condition and deal with that, rather than developing one treatment for a given symptom or condition.

Grahams teaching of the Bowen Technique offers a very effective pretreatment assessment to locate the site of any dysfunction and then target a therapeutic intervention to the tissues which are sustaining the state of dysfunction. In other words, locate and correct the root cause and not just the symptoms!

To learn more about Graham Pennington’s Bowen training see

AMT (Applied Myoskeletal Therapy – Certified in April 2016) is a soft-tissue therapy developed by an Australian Soft-tissue Therapist with over 18 years of research and experience, John Garfield. He describes AMT as a gentle, relaxing and effective non-oil, soft-tissue therapy for the assessment, treatment, and management of soft tissue injury, pain and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. It contains transverse moves along with a wide variey of muscle releases involving various sustained holds to treat soft-tissue dysfunction. AMT incorporates many safe and gentle methods that are not taught elsewhere.

To learn more about John Garfield and Applied Myoskeletal Therapy see

Certified in NST Basic (July 2013), NST Advanced (August 2014), TMJ/TMD (July 2015)

NST (NeuroStructural Integration Technique) is a form of the Bowen technique designed to balance the whole body using a gentle, specifically defined pattern of muscle work. Once the body is balanced it can take care of correcting many things on its own.

Michael J. Nixon-Livy (the founder of NST), in the manual for Basic NST, says it this way: “Structure Governs Function – The main aim of the Neurostructural Integration Technique is to remove pain and dysfunctional physiological and psychological conditions by restoring the structural integrity of the body.

Essentially, if every muscle in the body is in its correct position (i.e. in homeostasis) then all of the other systems will be in homeostasis as a reciprocal consequence and health will abound.”

You can see more about Michael and his explanation of this technique at

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